What is it about libraries? They're such cool places. The Chapel Hill Library just hosted an Author Tea for me, and it was a wonderfully enjoyable event (see Newsletter.)
The house I grew up in was a bit like a library, with bookshelves in just about every room, and voracious readers of all ages
sprawled with books on chairs and sofas, off in a world created by written words on pages, freshly brought to life by the readers' imaginations.
My grade school classrooms had small libraries in the back--mostly bios of famous people; I read through them all and was given a pass to the real library down the hall, for more. In junior high I carried home stacks of books, and in high school made friends with my town's William Alexander Percy Memorial Library -- which has now added a copy of my novel to their Greenville Writers Collection.
As an adult, I've been a heavy library user whereever I've lived, and am now enjoying the Chapel Hill Library, which has an excellent collection of books, and plenty of great magazines, too, in a pleasant setting.
Gateway to the Stars, Portal to the Universe, repository of book-shaped missives from minds and souls who've gone before and those carrying on the literary dialog today -- There's nothing like a good library to open up the past and future, known world, and every dimension of imagination.